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This page offers free tools and models to help your event planning be simple and effective for your Church to impact the community and help fulfill the Great Commission.


A Sports Camp brings children, youth and adults together in a central location using sports as the stage upon which the gospel will be presented, and the church will be introduced to the local community. This is a gospel-centered, fun-action and fast-pace ministry used for VBS, Community Outreach, and Mission Trips. 


The Evangelistic Outreach activities are mobile tools used at your church or in the community that are perfect for Outreach, Harvest Festivals, Trunk-or-Treats, Easter, Summer Gatherings, or Movie Nights, and more!


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Each event will require advertising in the local papers, signs and flyers to be handed out by everyone in the Church. The Sunday afternoon before the Event begins, a flyer should be taken to every home in the target area and personally placed in the hands of the people who live there. This personal invitation is the best way to reach your community.


The better you advertise, the more likely your Event will draw kids, youth and families. And the more likely your Church will be able to present the Gospel to your community in greater number. Checkout the SoCal ministries website to see the deadlines to submit your request for financial support to any evangelistic activity your church does.



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Trevor Cooper

Evangelism Trailer &

Sports Camp Contact: 479.806.6968


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